Apply Now! Deadline: September 18th, 2024
Want to look good on your college application?
Want to have fun while learning new skills?
Then apply for YLA – the Youth Leadership Academy of Boone County.
YLA Applications are open! Interested high school juniors should talk to their counselors to see if they qualify and learn how to apply.
Start Date: September 25th, 2024
Students must attend 90% of scheduled sessions to graduate from the program.
Your counselors have the complete list of session dates. Schedules will be provided to all participants at the first Orientation Meeting on October 18th.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is YLA (Youth Leadership Academy)?
YLA is an exciting program just for high school juniors. Learn to meet challenges, participate in hands-on activities, meet some local leaders, prepare for job interviews, and more! We’ll talk about customer service and finance, take tours, and celebrate all you’ve accomplished! You’ll build self-confidence and leadership skills so you can make a positive impact on where you live.
First class: September 25th, 2024
In April, we’ll hold a graduation reception to celebrate your hard work and success in the program, and you can invite your friends and relatives.
Am I eligible? Here are the criteria:
High School Junior in Boone County (or home school)
GPA is at least 3.0
Demonstrate a history of community service
Have leadership potential
Submitting an application *simply ask your high school counselor how*
How do you apply?
Interested high school juniors should talk to their counselors to see if they qualify and learn how to apply. Complete the form in it's entirety.
Applications are due by September 18th
Participants will be notified of their acceptance by September 23rd
How much does it cost?
Minimal cost of $100 for each participant for the entire program.
Please contact your counselor and/or principal for a recommendation to participate.
Scholarship assistance may be available. Please speak to your counselor for those requirements.
How much time is required to participate in the Leadership Academy?
YLA typically meets 8:15am-3:00pm for each session, October to April. Please note that there may be a few exceptions. Of course, we’ll let you know in ample time so you know where to go and what we’re doing.
How will Youth Leadership Academy help me and our community?
Each class learns about their community and useful skills that will be of benefit in the future.
We'll meet at the Harrison Regional Chamber office (except for a few rare instances). Again, we’ll let you know where you’re supposed to show up. Oh, and you’ll get free lunch!
Where can I get more information about Youth Leadership Academy?
Talk to your respective school counselor
Call Amy at the Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce (870) 741-2659
Email cocinfo@harrison-chamber.com